David D'Arcy-Burke Perth Jun 20, 2010 22:20 pm

I am currently preparing a paper for the Western Australian Department of Environment (DEC) which will report on the effectiveness of Environmental Education in achieving positive environmental/conservation outcomes. The paper will be presented to Corporate Executive prior to a facilitated workshop aimed at demonstrating the invaluable role EE plays in achieving behaviour change(together with other tools of change) leading to these outcomes and guiding the development of a strategic plan/vision for EE in DEC. I am seeking research papers (preferably recent, independent and longitudinal) that evaluate the effectiveness of EE programs or projects in the areas of biodiversity/threatened species, waste minimisation/resource recovery/contamination, air or water pollution, National parks/conservation reserves and climate change mitigation/adaptation. Please email case studies or links to research reports to [email protected]. Thank you.

David D'Arcy-Burke
Senior Project Coordinator
WA Department of Environment and Conservation