The Prediction of Household Recycling of Newspapers: The Role of Attitudes, Intentions, and Situational Factors

Boldero, J. (1995). The prediction of household recycling of newspapers: The role of attitudes, intentions, and situational factors. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 25, 5, 440-462.
Tested I. Ajzen and T. J. Madden's (see PA, Vol 75:10653) theory of planned behavior for observed household newspaper recycling. The effects of recycling in the past, individual's…

The Recycling of Solid Wastes: Personal Values, Value Orientations, and Attitudes about Recycling as Antecedents of Recycling Behavior. Special Issue: Linking Theory to Policy

McCarty, J. A., & Shrum, L. J. (1994). The recycling of solid wastes: Personal values, value orientations, and attitudes about recycling as antecedents of recycling behavior. Special issue: Linking theory to policy. Journal of Business Research, 30, 1, 53-62.
Using a structural modeling framework, this study investigated the relationships of personal values, value orientations, and attitudes about recycling with the frequency of recycl…

The Social Context of Recycling

Derksen, L. & Gartrell, J. (1993). The social context of recycling. American Sociological Review, 58, 3, 434-442.
Examined the role of social context in the link between individual attitudes about the environment and recycling behavior by comparing communities that vary in their access to rec…

The Level of Effort Required for Behaviour as a Moderator of the Attitude-Behaviour Relation

Bagozzi, R. P., Yi, Y., & Baumgartner, J. (1990). The level of effort required for behaviour as a moderator of the attitude-behaviour relation. European Journal of Social Psychology, 20, 1, 45-59.
Used questionnaire methodology with 166 business students, assigned to high- or low-effort conditions, to test the hypothesis that the manner in which attitudes influence behavi…

Deriving Interventions on the Basis of Factors Influencing Behavioral Intentions for Waste Recycling, Composting, and Reuse in Cuba

Mosler, H., Tamas, A., Tobias, R., Rodríguez, T., & Miranda, O. (2008). Deriving interventions on the basis of factors influencing behavioral intentions for waste recycling, composting, and reuse in Cuba. Environment and Behavior, 40(4), 522-544.
In this article the authors study existing waste-disposal intentions and behavior-influencing factors at the household level in Santiago de Cuba. The authors analyze the perceived…

Students' Perceptions of Difficulties in Cycling to School in Urban and Suburban Taiwan

Chang, H.-W., Chang, H.-L. (2008). Students' perceptions of difficulties in cycling to school in urban and suburban Taiwan. Transportation Research Record, (2060), pp. 123-130.
Previous research has identified the importance of cycling training programs and examined the relationship between cycling attitudes and the behavior of cyclists; another importan…

Commuting by Bicycle: An Overview of the Literature

Heinen, E., van Wee, B., Maat, K. (2010). Commuting by bicycle: An overview of the literature. Transport Reviews, 30(1), 59-96.
Commuting by bicycle has advantages over other modes of transport, both for the commuter and for society. Although cycling is an option for many commuters, a considerable number o…

School Travel Plans: Overcoming Barriers to Implementation

Baslington, H. (2008). School travel plans: Overcoming barriers to implementation. Transport Reviews, 28(2), 239-258.
The number of primary school children travelling to school by car has almost doubled in 20 years. A governmental policy response is to introduce school travel plans. The paper rai…

Factors Influencing the Decision to Drive or Walk Short Distances to Public Transport Facilities

Walton, D. & Sunseri, S. (2010). Factors Influencing the Decision to Drive or Walk Short Distances to Public Transport Facilities. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 4(4), 212-226.
Samples of drivers and walkers are examined to understand factors influencing the decision to walk. The driver sample was limited to those who lived within 1 km of the park-and-ri…

The Relationship Between the Built Environment and Nonwork Travel

Cao, X., Mokhtarian, P. L., & Handy, S. L. (2009). The relationship between the built environment and nonwork travel: A case study of Northern California
Many studies have found that residents living in suburban neighborhoods drive more and walk less than their counterparts in traditional neighborhoods. This evidence supports the a…

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