CBSM Recommends

Taking Organ Transplantation to 2020

In response to the UK having one of the highest rates of family refusal for organ donation in the Western world, the NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) conducted a stakeholder engag…
CBSM Recommends

Starve a Vampire, Donate Blood

Starve a Vampire, Donate Blood was an American Red Cross campaign developed in partnership with the television network CW. The goal of the program was two-fold; to promote CW’s ne…
CBSM Recommends

The Flu Ends with U Campaign

The “Flu Ends with U” was an annual campaign created by the DeKalb County Health Department to emphasize the importance of flu vaccinations. Knowing that flu season can begin as e…
CBSM Recommends

Eagle Adventure

Eagle Adventure was developed to prevent type 2 diabetes among youth living in Indian Country through the delivery of culturally relevant programming. Designed for implementation …
CBSM Recommends

Southwest Florida Management District’s “Skip a Week” Yard Watering Campaign

The Southwest Florida Water Management District created the “Skip a Week” yard watering campaign to overcome misconceptions about the amount of water required for a healthy yard w…
CBSM Recommends

Stockholm Congestion Pricing

The Stockholm congestion charge was a tax levied on vehicles entering and exiting the inner city in an attempt decrease the number of trips made in private vehicles, ultimately re…

The Influence of Message Framing On University Student's Intent to Participate in Sustainable Behavior

Davis, J. J. (1995). The effects of message framing on response to environmental communications. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 72, 2, 285-299.
A literature review revealed how framing a communication can affect an individual's intent to participate in sustainable behaviors. Specifically, three types of message framing we…

The Effects of an Ambiguous, Negative Sign Prompt and a Clearly-Stated Positive Sign Prompt on Intentions to Litter

Horsley, A. D. (1988). The unintended effects of a posted sign on littering attitudes and stated intentions. Journal of Environmental Education, 19, 3, 10-14.
A literature review revealed that sign prompts can be effective in reducing the amount of litter. In order to further investigate the effects of prompts, a questionnaire was given…

Using a Normative Appeal to Control Litter at a Public Swimming Pool

Reich, J. W., & Robertson, J. L. (1979). Reactance and norm appeal in anti-littering messages. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 9, 1, 91-101.
A literature review revealed that a statement that puts an extreme demand on a person is likely to elicit the undesirable behavior. On the other hand, a statement that creates a n…

Virtual Oceania

Introductory Workshop

May 29th - 31st, 2024

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Virtual North America

Introductory Workshop

Jun 3rd - 5th, 2024

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McKenzie-Mohr & Associates

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