CBSM Recommends

The Clean Air Commute

The Clean Air Commute was created to encourage members of the public to use a cleaner means of transportation on one day during the month of June. While the program quickly gained…
CBSM Recommends

Bear Creek Safe Routes to School Program

With help from the Safe Routes to School administrator for the Boulder Valley School District in Colorado, Bear Creek initiated the Walking School Bus and other active transportat…
CBSM Recommends

Portland’s Smart Trips Welcome Program

After creating Smart Trips, a successful transportation program for residents of Portland, Oregon, the Bureau of Transportation chose to redefine the program, shifting its focus t…
CBSM Recommends

Emotional demonstrations (emo-demos) of handwashing with soap at vaccination centres

In 2014, the Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene for All (SSH4A) program was introduced in Tanzania to raise mothers’ and caregivers’ awareness of the importance of washing hands w…
CBSM Recommends

Growing Healthy Kids

Growing Healthy Kids was an obesity prevention program for low-income families in Carrboro, North Carolina that aimed to increase children’s access to and consumption of fresh, fr…
CBSM Recommends

Snack Right

Commissioned by the public health network for Cheshire and Merseyside (ChaMPs), Snack Right was a program designed to help children in low-income neighborhoods replace at least on…
CBSM Recommends

Go Boulder

Created in 1989, the Go Boulder program was designed to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution by getting Boulder residents to shift from single-occupant vehicle use to alter…
CBSM Recommends

Bacterial Resistance and Nosocomial Infections Network

This paper explores five different approaches to antibiotic stewardship, providing examples of how international collaborations can address optimal prescribing. Each approach exam…
CBSM Recommends

Motivating Television Viewers to Become Organ Donors

The following case study explores how a popular primetime television drama, Numb3rs, was used to inform audiences of issues surrounding organ donation and, as a result, encourage …
CBSM Recommends

loveLife: Preventing HIV Among South African Youth

In 1997, South Africa was in the midst of a growing HIV epidemic. In an effort to combat the spread of HIV, the Kaiser Family Foundation, working with the National Health Foundati…

Virtual Oceania

Introductory Workshop

May 29th - 31st, 2024

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Virtual North America

Introductory Workshop

Jun 3rd - 5th, 2024

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McKenzie-Mohr & Associates

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