Residential Energy Conservation: The Role of Past Experience in Repetitive Household Behavior

Macey, S. M., & Brown, M. A. Residential energy conservation: The role of past experience in repetitive household behavior. Vol. 15. 1983. 123-141.
Discusses repetitive behaviors that conserve residential energy. Repetitive behavior is viewed as a function of past experience, attitudes, subjective norms, and intentions. Data …

Cognitive Consequences of Legislating Postpurchase Behavior: Growing up with the Bottle Bill

Kahle, L. R., & Beatty, S. E. Cognitive consequences of legislating postpurchase behavior: Growing up with the bottle bill. Vol. 17. 1987. 828-843.
Examined the variables of (1) attitudes toward returning bottles, (2) intentions, (3) behaviors, (4) subjective norms, and (5) habits as they function within the cognitive context…

Prominent Factors Influencing Environmental Activities: Application of the Environmental Leadership Model (ELM). Special Issue: Leadership for Environmental and Social Change

Flannery, B. L., & May, D. R. Prominent factors influencing environmental activities: Application of the Environmental Leadership Model (ELM). Special Issue: Leadership for environmental and social change. Vol. 5. 1994. 201-221.
Presents the ELM, which specifies 4 prominent antecedents to an organization's environmental strategic formulation process. These factors include (1) moral norms and values for en…

An Integrated Model of Waste Management Behavior: A Test of Household Recycling and Composting Intentions

Taylor, S., & Todd, P. An integrated model of waste management behavior: A test of household recycling and composting intentions. Vol. 27. 1995. 603-630.
Studied the antecedents of recycling and compositing intentions in the context of an integrated waste management behavior model. The model is based on the theory of planned behavi…

Preferences for Landscape Choice in a Southwestern Desert City

Yabiku, S., Casagrande, D., & Farley-Metzger, E. (2008, May). Preferences for landscape choice in a Southwestern desert city. Environment and Behavior, 40(3), 382-400.
Through outdoor water consumption, residential landscaping behavior affects public policy and the environment in the American Southwest. We propose a decision framework based on c…

The Theory of Reasoned Action and Self-Construals: Understanding Recycling in Hawaii

Park, Hee Sun; Levine, Timothy R; Sharkey, William F (1998). The theory of reasoned action and self-construals: Understanding recycling in Hawaii. . Communication Studies, 49, 3, 196-208.
Used the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) to predict the behavioral intention to recycle among 201 undergraduate students (aged 18-52 yrs) at the University of Hawaii. Measuri…

Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions of Agricultural Workers toward Disposable Protective Coveralls

Perkins, H. M., Crown, E. M., Rigakis, K. B. & Eggertson, B. S. (1992). Attitudes and behavioral intentions of agricultural workers toward disposable protective coveralls. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 11, 1, 67-73.
Examined the behavior intentions (BVIs) of 244 grain farmers (aged 22-65 yrs) regarding the use of disposable coveralls using M. Fishbein and I. Ajzen's (1980) theory of reasoned …

The Effects of Environmental Concern on Environmentally Friendly Consumer Behavior: An Exploratory Study

Minton, A. P. & Rose, R. L. (1997). The effects of environmental concern on environmentally friendly consumer behavior: An exploratory study. Journal of Business Research, 40, 1, 37-48.
Examined the relative effects of environmental concern (a general attitude) and social norms pertaining to concern for the environment on 3 consumer behaviors and 6 behavioral int…

Responding to Environmental Concerns: What Factors Guide Individual Action?

Axelrod, L. J. & Lehman, D. R. (1993). Responding to environmental concerns: What factors guide individual action? . Journal of Environmental Psychology, 13, 2, 149-159.
Examined the motivational role played by 3 classes of outcomes (tangible rewards, social acceptance, and acting in accordance with one's principles) in predicting environmentally …

Social Structural and Social Psychological Bases of Environmental Concern

Dietz, T., Stern, P. C. & Guagnano, G. A. (1998). Social structural and social psychological bases of environmental concern. Environment and Behavior, 30, 4, 450-471.
Efforts to explain environmental concern as a function of social structure have revealed some weak but reliable associations. Stronger associations have been found between environ…

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