CBSM Recommends

GCC Active and Safe Routes to School (1996 to 2005)

The GCC Active and Safe Routes to School program was brought to life by Greenest City, a Toronto-based non-profit known for addressing a variety of environmental issues through lo…
CBSM Recommends

Ozone Action Program

As part of a larger, existing effort to promote cleaner air in the Detroit region, the goal of the Ozone Action Program was to attain and maintain the National Ambient Air Quality…
CBSM Recommends

Spare the Air

In 1991 the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) launched Spare the Air – a voluntary program designed to curtail motor vehicle emissions and improve air quality thro…
CBSM Recommends

TransLink's TravelSmart Program

Designed to serve residents of Metro Vancouver, TransLink’s TravelSmart program helps businesses and individuals reduce the number of trips made in single-occupant vehicles by pro…
CBSM Recommends

National Campaigns to Improve Antibiotic Use

This paper explores two different case studies where mass campaigns were used to address antibiotic use. Both cases emphasize the importance of understanding the target audience’s…
CBSM Recommends

Barcelona is full blooded

In conjunction with hosting World Blood Donor Day in 2010, Barcelona launched the Barcelona is full blooded campaign to raise public awareness of the importance of donating blood.…
CBSM Recommends

Seattle Neighborhoods In Motion

Developed by King County Metro (KCM), Seattle Neighborhoods In Motion was designed to work directly with individuals to reduce drive-alone trips being made to a full range of trav…
CBSM Recommends

A Community-Based Physical Education and Activity Intervention for African American Preadolescent Girls: A Strategy to Reduce Racial Disparities in Health

In an attempt to reduce racial disparities in health in one inner-city neighborhood, Lively Ladies, a physical education and activity intervention program was created to help pre-…
CBSM Recommends

Skin and Colon Cancer Media Campaigns in Utah

In 2003, the Utah Cancer Action Network (UCAN), which aims to reduce cancer incidence and mortality in the state, selected skin and colon cancers as their top priorities. With the…
CBSM Recommends

Find Cancer Early

Cancer Council Western Australia (WA) created the Find Cancer Early campaign in 2011 to increase awareness of the common signs and symptoms of breast, bowl, lung, and prostate can…

Virtual Oceania

Introductory Workshop

Nov 26th - 28th, 2024

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Virtual North America

Introductory Workshop

Dec 3rd - 5th, 2024

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McKenzie-Mohr & Associates

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