Effects of Verbal Prompting and Block Characteristics on Participation in Curbside Newspaper Recycling

Spaccarelli, S., Zolik, E. & Jason, L. A. (1989-1990). Effects of verbal prompting and block characteristics on participation in curbside newspaper recycling. Journal of Environmental Systems, 19, 1, 45-57.

The effects of two prompting procedures to promote curbside recycling of newspapers were evaluated. Results indicated no effect on weekly percent participation after handbills alone, and modest increases after handbills plus verbal prompting. The findings also showed there were effects of block characteristics across groups. The presence of one or more recyclers prior to intervention was associated with significantly higher percentages of new participants when examining only blocks which also had block clubs. Also, the existence of a block club was associated with a significantly lower percentage of new participants after intervention, when looking only at blocks where there had been no participants prior to intervention. The implications of these findings are discussed.

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