Value Orientations, Gender, and Environmental Concern

Stern, P. C., Dietz, T., & Kalof, L. (1993). Value orientations, gender, and environmental concern. Environment and Behavior, 25, 3, 322-348.

Expanded on S. H. Schwartz's (1977) norm-activation model of altruism by offering an integrative theoretical model of environmental (EV) concern. The model presumes that action in support of EV quality may derive from any of 3 value orientations (egoistic, social-altruistic, or biospheric) and that gender may be implicated in the relation between these orientations and behavior. A survey of 349 college students showed that beliefs about consequences for each type of valued object independently predicted willingness to take political action, but only beliefs about consequences for self reliably predicted willingness to pay through taxes. Women had stronger beliefs than men about consequences for self, others, and the biosphere, but there was no gender difference in the strength of value orientations.

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