A Multilevel Analysis of the Determinants of Recycling Behavior in European Countries

Guerin, Daniel ; Crete, Jean; Mercier, Jean (2001). A multilevel analysis of the determinants of recycling behavior in European countries.. Social Science Research, 30, 2, 195-218.

Discussed a multilevel modeling approach for conservation behavior. The main objective of the study was to permit a better understanding of recycling as a function of both individual and contextual variables. The authors' cross-national study aimed at examining how differences in national settings and in social and institutional factors as well interacted with a series of individual characteristics and influenced engagement in recycling behavior in the 15 countries of the European Union. One of the most important conclusions was that conservation behavior is greatly influenced by the ecological mobilization in which it occurs. The more activists participate nationally in environmental organizations, the more the population is likely to participate in programs such as the separation of domestic waste. Alone, this variable explains about 45% of the variance observed between the European Union countries on public participation in separation and recycling activities.

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