The Influence of Attitude Priming and Social Responsibility on the Valuation of Environmental Public Goods Using Paired Comparisons

Clarke, A. & Bell, P. A., Peterson, G. L. (1999). The influence of attitude priming and social responsibility on the valuation of environmental public goods using paired comparisons. Environment and Behavior, 31, 6, 838-857.

Examined contextual influences (social responsibility and persuasive priming) on paired comparison assessment of the value of environmental public goods. 460 19-50 yr old college students were randomly assigned to 1 of 6 combinations of social responsibility and either a negative, neutral, or positive priming editorial about the environment. Ss completed an interactive computer program in which the items were either environmental public goods (e.g., wildlife refuge, clean air), private goods of known market value (e.g., $15 meal, $500 airline ticket), or sums of money ranging from $1-$9,000. Results indicate that the values derived for the environmental public goods were higher when Ss had sole responsibility for the group outcome, but were not affected by priming editorials, although the editorials affected subsequent attitudes. Priming editorials are appended.

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