Experience in Analyzing Information-Dependent Ecological Consciousness of Students in Upper Grades of Secondary School (Attitude toward Ecological Problems in Relation to the Personality Structure in Upper-Grade Students of a Secondary School)

Baranov, E. G., Zarakovskii, G.M., Medvedev, V. N. & Razygraeva, N. A. Experience in analyzing information-dependent ecological consciousness of students in upper grades of secondary school (attitude toward ecological problems in relation to the personality structure in upper-grade students of a secondary school). Vol. 24. 1998. 424-434.

Examined a hypothesis proposed for the environmental and personal factors determining the ecological consciousness (EC of teenagers, i.e., their attitude toward ecological problems, including those related to global environment and climate changes. 100 upper-grade students of a secondary school (gymnasium) completed a closed-type questionnaire to assess the different aspects of EC. Results confirm the basic propositions of the hypothesis. It is shown that the affective-cognitive and conative (behavioral) components of EC depend on the following factors: integral characteristics of personality, such as strength, activity, and self-esteem; the structure of value orientation; sex and academic achievements in general and special ecological education.

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