Outcome Research in Environmental Education: A Critical Review

Leeming, F. C., Dwyer, W. O., Porter, B. E. & Cobern, M. K. (1993). Outcome research in environmental education: A critical review. Journal of Environmental Education, 24, 4, 8-21.

Reviewed 34 environmental education studies published since 1974 that attempted to demonstrate changes in environmentally relevant knowledge, attitudes, or behaviors. The studies are divided into 2 major categories: 17 evaluating classroom interventions, and 17 evaluating out-of-class interventions. Ignoring methodological problems concerning unit of analysis and demand or experimenter expectancies, 14 of the 34 studies reported positive effects and 6 reported mixed effects. The remaining 14 studies either reported negative findings or used a methodology judged too weak to allow any conclusions. Despite many of the investigations' methodological difficulties, some findings indicate that future research can refine environmental education strategies and curricula.

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