Effects of an Extended Case Study on Environmental

Culen, Gerald R; Volk, Trudi L. (200). Effects of an extended case study on environmental behavior and associated variables in seventh-and eighth-grade students. . Journal of Environmental Education. , 31, 2, 9-15.

Assessed the effects of an extended case study that focused on wetland issues with 7th and 8th graders. The extended case study is an instructional method that incorporates the issue investigation-evaluation and action training model. A modified pretest-posttest nonequivalent control group design was used with 15 intact classes from Illinois and Missouri. Posttest data were collected on the following variables: overt environmental behavior, knowledge of ecological foundations, individual locus of control, group locus of control, knowledge of citizenship action skills, and perceived skill in use of citizenship action skills. The statistically significant findings related to the variable overt environmental behavior are consistent with those of previous researchers who found that formal instruction in issue investigation-evaluation and action skills training can produce a positive increase in overt environmental behavior.

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