On the Risks of Recycling Because of Guilt: An Examination of the Consequences of Introjection

Koestner, R., Houlfort, N., Paquet, S., & Knight, C. (2001). On the risks of recycling because of guilt: An examination of the consequences of introjection. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 31(12), 2545-2560.

Examined the influence of introjected beliefs on proenvironmental behavior. 116 undergraduate students (aged 17-37 yrs) completed interviews concerning their recycling behavior and their motivational styles when engaging in proenvironmental activities. As well, Ss responded after reading excerpts from an anti-recycling article containing weak or strong arguments against recycling, written by a physically attractive or unattractive author. Results show that a personally attractive author elicited more favorable reactions from those Ss who reported an introjected motivational style concerning recycling behavior.

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