Lisa Baynes Ayr/Home Hill Jul 1, 2008 7:46 am

Hello everyone,

I work in the sugar industry in Qld and we are currently in a stage of getting funding from Govt to implement water quality improvement entering the Great Barrier Reef. Discussions have come up with an incentive scheme that is linked to adoption of current best management practice guidelines. To report to Govt it has been suggested that the landholders be rated A, B, C,D depending on their degree of adoption of these recommended practices. This system has been adapted from a resource condition A,B,C,D rating scheme used on paddock condition in the grazing industry. I have some reservations about applying a rating system to peoples behavior. Can anyone point me toward any information about systems that have been developed to categorize or group land management behavior. I am concerned the ABCD approach will alienate those who are trialing cultivation practices not on the list of recommendations and also those in the lower categories. I can supply information about the grazing ABCD and the draft example of proposed ABCD for landholder cultivation practices. Please email on [email protected] to discuss further, I would be grateful of any opinion or information.

Ms Lisa Baynes (B.Sc.)

Environmental Officer
Burdekin Ltd
Office: 0747821922
Fax: 0747822518
Mobile: 0400716559