landhelpinfo Oct 19, 2006 7:26 am

Colleague: Take a look at and please make it known to your associates. Our university team provides this First-Stop-Resource to landowners, professionals, and others at no cost. Currently, LandHelp contains links to 31 broad categories of information which then link to 2,613 more resources. LandHelp provides a convenient and common resource base for emerging issues such as sustainability, agro-forestry, small acreage management and natural resources problem solving. Recently, a student conducted Internet-based research to improve LandHelp links in the area of Green Infrastructure and Sustainability. Sub-sections include Climate Change, Energy, Exurban Development, Green Building, Smart Growth for Communities, Sustainability for community, individuals, reporting, and university, Transportation, and Waste and Recycling. LandHelp changes daily as better information is known. Our goal is to include management information from all major agencies and organizations. Put LandHelp on your favorites list and tell us how we can link to your favorite sites if we haven't found them already. Please contact me if you have good management information (links or pdf files) to contribute to LandHelp. We want the best information placed into LandHelp. Help us to get solutions into the hands that need them. Make plans for land that you care about: and take courses at home:

Delwin E. Benson, Ph.D.
Professor and Extension Wildlife Specialist
Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology
Colorado State University