Steven Brant Bryn Mawr Aug 19, 2007 3:39 am

Dear Friends,

I have just posted a new blog on The Huffington Post. It discusses America's infrastructure crisis from the perspective of whether or not America has the wisdom to fit the definition of what a "developed country" is... based on the true nature of development: the ability of a community or nation to successfully manage what it's got... the ability to take care of itself and, in this case, its physical "built environment". I hope you enjoy reading it. Here's the link...

And if that link is broken, you can go here -

Best regards,

Steven G. Brant
Founder and Principal
Trimtab Management Systems
303 Park Avenue South, Suite 1413
New York, NY 10010
(646) 221-1933
Skype: stevengbrant
[email protected]