Adam Sacks Lexington Sep 26, 2007 19:07 pm

Hi All -

I would like to invite you to take a look at my new climate blog, Climate Chronicles. The first piece, "The 80% Follies," addresses the inadequacies of what passes for policy in our efforts to address global warming. Please visit, register, and pen a comment if you are so moved. And you can receive a brief notice of all new posts by subscribing here: I expect to write a new entry roughly once or twice a week, challenging the generally futile targets and questionable strategies of international bodies and national, state and local governments. Even most of our climate crusaders fall far short of the mark. I'll give voice to what the media and mainstream enviromental organizations refuse to say, keep you up to date on the latest news and science, and delve into what's getting in the way of meaningful action to preserve human and other life on earth. Looking forward to hearing from you, and if you like what Climate Chronicles is about, please forward this invitation far and wide!

Many thanks,

Adam D. Sacks,
Executive Director Center for Democracy and the Constitution
12 Locust Avenue
Lexington, MA 02421
(781) 674-2339