Laurie Tenace Tallahassee Nov 6, 2007 9:32 am

I'd like to suggest two web sites for people trying to figure out which bulb is good in which application: - this is the Home Depot brand, but it is also the best web site I've found. This is not an endorsement of their products. - NEWMOA is the Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association and their web site is full of great information like this fact sheet. If anyone has found other web sites with good descriptions, I'd like to see them. What I've found is that most homeowners are just as confused as this list serve string indicates. Many also think that mercury in CFLs is a new thing - they never knew that the straight bulbs used for decades also contained mercury.


Laurie J. Tenace
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
PH: (850) 245-8759
[email protected]