Hello listserv members.
I have been trying to find literature related to the health and environmental impacts of drive-thrus. There are a number of studies related to vehicle idling, but I am hoping to find drive-thru specific research. Is anyone aware of studies, preferably peer-reviewed, that deal with drive thrus contribution to: air pollution health impacts pedestrian impacts urban planning/transportation problems.
Thank you.
Tom Bird
Public Health Planner
Region of Waterloo Public Health
Environmental Health and Lifestyle Resources
99 Regina St. S. 3rd floor
Waterloo, ON N2J 4V3
519-883-2008 x5181
Health and Environmental Impacts of Drive-Thrus
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Here's a link to a website I have found http://www.crfa.ca/news/bytopic/drivethroughs.asp
I am sure that it is highly biased but ...
Jen Powley
Sustainable Transportation Coordinator
Ecology Action Centre