Hank Feeser Mulberry Jul 3, 2008 19:54 pm

I'm teaching a junior level marketing course this fall at the Krannert School of Management, Purdue University. I have cornered the CEO of Service Concepts , a coop of about 39 REMCs here in Indiana, to sponsor a Social Marketing effort for the 30 teams of 4-5 students in my class. The essence of their effort, is to use social marketing techniques to alter the behavior of the coop's customers toward using less electricity. They will be required to post the results of their team effort up on www.wix.com for the world to see, and hopefully learn from. In conjunction with this, we are hoping to hold office hours in Second Life for the entire course duration. Any ideas for the energy project, or anyone have an office-sized bit of SL we can use, please contact me -> [email protected]. The Moodle instance I'm currently building for the class is currently open for guests here: www.mgmt323.com.

TIA, Hank