mtremper Jul 16, 2008 11:56 am

Recently a carbon offset purchase plan was discussed on the list. This from the nature conservancy seems to adopt a similar approach-users paying for green activities to offset their carbon footprint. The Nature Conservancy is pleased to announce our new voluntary carbon offset program. Our scientists see climate change as the biggest threat to our mission of protecting nature and preserving life - especially on the lands and waters protected by the Conservancy over the past 60 years. View our interactive map on climate change and biodiversity to learn more about the Conservancy's work around the world to reduce this threat to people, plants and animals. As temperatures rise, so do the risks to humans, including heat-related illnesses, flooding and severe storm impacts in coastal areas and insect-borne diseases. You can help reduce these impacts and restore critical wildlife habitat by participating in The Nature Conservancy's voluntary carbon offset program. By contributing to the Conservancy's voluntary carbon offset program you're helping to fund Nature Conservancy projects that are specifically designed to sequester carbon and thus, help reduce the effects of climate change caused by carbon emissions. Offset your climate impact using our secure online form and your support will be used to set aside land, provide funds for forest conservation, plant trees and measure and verify the amount of carbon sequestered. As trees grow and sequester carbon, it will take up to 70 years to realize your current offset. You can even use The Nature Conservancy's online carbon footprint calculator to measure your - or your household's - carbon emissions. The calculator will estimate how many tons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases your daily choices - commuting, sheltering your familiy, eating - create so you can offset your carbon footprint.