Alexandra Fischer Halifax Sep 8, 2008 12:02 pm

Investigating a Relationship Between Place-based Learning and Environmental Quality Request for Collaborators Overview

We are requesting queries from individuals or institutions interested in seeking shared funding and collaborating on research to investigate the relationship between place-based learning and environmental quality. This research will build on a methodology that has been developed and successfully tested over the past two years with funding from the EPA. Project Background Many place-based learning (PBL) projects and programs involve students in activities that relate directly or indirectly to efforts to improve environmental quality. However, there has been limited exploration of the link between PBL and direct measures of environmental quality.

A group of researchers is now completing a two-year research project aimed at filling this gap by:

1) gathering data from education programs that have focused on air quality and quantitatively analyzing those data as a dependent variable of PBL implementation; and

2) developing a protocol for replicating this analysis with other measures of environmental quality.

Further, we are working to identify the common characteristics of those programs that demonstrated the largest effects on air quality improvement. We are now able to demonstrate that the methodology we have developed is sound and directly addresses this research gap. We are eager to continue to evolve our approach and apply it to similar research topics such as the relationship between PBL and climate change. We are seeking collaborators with related research agendas and with whom we can co-develop new funding proposals to continue this important work. If you are interested, the complete request for collaborators can be found here:

Andrew Powers

Andrew Powers
Research Associate & Finance Director
PEER Associates, Inc.
836 Snipe Ireland Rd
Richmond, VT 05477
[email protected]