Unknown Dec 22, 2010 18:01 pm

The Township of Langley is starting an extensive recycling pilot in hopes of increasing participation and sorting rates, and decreasing contamination levels. We have a 3 stream program whereby newspaper is sorted using a bag, mixed paper (including cardboard) is placed into a different bag and containers are put into a blue box.

We are now in the process of creating different communication materials, prompts, and promotional ideas which will be tested using a Focus Group to obatin the best results. We would like to go door to door however, this approach is not realistic for the amount of staff we have nor for long term success of the program.

Does anybody have any ideas for prompts or communication materials that are different than what we have tried for the last 5 years (newspaper adds, sorting it out flyer, tagging)?

We have over 25,000 residents and there is equal demographics of young and older residents.

Tess White
Township of Langley