Kristin Blank-White Durham Oct 26, 2011 13:29 pm

As a provider of professional education within the Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, the Duke Environmental Leadership (DEL) program announces their annual course Environmental Communications for Behavior Change, the first in a series of courses addressing issues in environmental communications.

Developed and led by Brian Daya world recognized leader in environmental education and environmental social marketing, and the Editor of the peer-reviewed journal Applied Environmental Education and Communication published by Taylor and Francisthe course will address practical tools and strategies that environmental professionals can use to communicate environmental concepts effectively and encourage behavior change.

Most often environmental professionals face problems and apply well-developed planning, management, engineering, and scientific principles to address their problems. The premise of this course is that most environmental problems are caused by human behavior and have long-term implications. To address and create long-term solutions to these problems, behavior needs to change. The newly emerging field of environmental communication brings together a set of behavior change tools that can help with environmental enforcement, compliance with regulations, and desired changes in behavior when no policy or law exists to force that behavior. Students will be exposed to the very fast growing set of resources mostly in the area of social marketing papers, publications, case studies, people, and programs that offer assistance in addressing behavior change questions.

This course will provide resources and methods for using effective communication strategies to accomplish behavior change and solve environmental problems. This course will also:

1. Demonstrate how to use social marketing to address problems at a community level.

2. Address how social marketing and behavior change can be applied to environmental problems and used to create solutions.

3. Provide participants with a hands-on opportunity to design their own environmental campaign.

4. Introduce techniques for enacting and implementing environmental policy as a means of behavior change.

This online course will be held weekly from January 16- February 24, 2012. The class will meet once a week in the form of online synchronous conferencing sessions. To register for this and other courses in the Environmental Communications series, please visit the DEL Exec Ed Upcoming Courses website.

Please feel free to distribute this information throughout your organization. With any questions or concerns, please contact the DEL Program at [email protected], 919-613-8082.

Kristin Blank-White
Program Coordinator
Duke University Environmental Leadership Program
United States