Jan 22, 2013 17:16 pm

I will be delivering community-based social marketing training in both Calgary and Halifax this spring. In Halifax I will be delivering an introductory workshop, while in Calgary both introductory and advanced workshops will be offered. For those who like to combine learning with exploration, Halifax and Calgary are wonderful locations to visit. Eastern Canada was settled earlier than other parts of the country and the coast of Nova Scotia is dotted with picturesque historic fishing villages. In contrast, just a short distance from Calgary are numerous parks, including Banff National Park, one of the gems of Canada's national park system.

For further information on either workshop, visit https://register.cbsm.com/workshops/workshop-schedule

Hope to see you in June in either Halifax or Calgary.

Best, Doug

Doug McKenzie-Mohr
Environmental Psychologist
McKenzie-Mohr & Associates Inc.