Jan 6, 2016 10:30 am

I will be delivering introductory and advanced community-based social marketing training in San Francisco and Los Angeles in late January. These workshops will be of interest to those working to promote a broad array of environment and health related behavioral changes. Community-based social marketing is now being utilized in thousands of programs across the globe. Community-based social marketing serves as the foundation for watershed protection programs in the counties of San Diego and Santa Barbara and environmental behavioral change programs in San Francisco. Further, this approach is particularly helpful for communities that are trying to reduce water use across California. Descriptions of both workshops are provided below.

Los Angeles Registration Site: https://register.cbsm.com/workshops/los-angeles-2016

San Francisco Registration Site: https://register.cbsm.com/workshops/san-francisco-2016

Please note that I do not expect to return to California for several years. If you have been wanting to learn how to apply community-based social marketing to your programs I encourage you to attend the upcoming sessions.

Doug McKenzie-Mohr
Environmental Psychologist
McKenzie-Mohr & Associates Inc.