The Implementation of Set-Back Thermostats and Social Diffusion in Twin Rivers, New Jersey

Darley, J. M., & Beniger, J. R. (1981). Diffusion of energy-conserving innovations. Journal of Social Issues, 37, 2, 150-171.
After conducting a literature review, a time -controlled set-back thermostat was used as an innovation to reduce energy consumption. Residents in a three-block area in Twin Rivers, New Jersey were contacted by mail and asked if they were interested in participating in a pilot program. Those who responded were sent a questionnaire. Based on the information obtained, several households were selected to implement a pre-programmed set-back thermostat in their homes. The amount of energy savings was then measured. It was anticipated that households would reduce energy consumption by 10%.

It was anticipated that households would reduce energy consumption by 10%. However, actual energy savings with the set-back thermostats were 18-47%. Based on results obtained, there are several conditions needed for social diffusion. First, it is necessary for residents to feel the implementation is essential to solving a negative situation. Furthermore, diffusion will occur through social as opposed to spatial networks. That is, acquaintances are more likely to be interested in the innovation as compared to neighbors.
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