Calgary’s Workshift

WORKshift was a federally funded initiative that sought to accelerate the adoption of telework within the business community in Calgary. Working with chief officers and directors of organizations, the WORKshift team helped to design strategies, keep records, train participants, and implement programs customized to meet the specific requirements of individual businesses. WORKshift also provided a web tool to track and report on the positive environmental impacts associated with telework, making it easier for businesses to identify successes tied to the program. A comprehensive marketing campaign was created to enhance the visibility of telework as a viable business strategy, while obtaining public commitments from participants and showcasing program endorsements from respected business authorities aided in creating a positive social norm around this alternative form of work. In just over two years, 1400 participants reduced 1.5 million kg of CO2 from vehicle emissions and an additional .7 million kg of CO2 emissions from reduced office space.

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McKenzie-Mohr & Associates

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