footprintenv May 12, 2006 21:15 pm


I am in the final stages of drafting a wood burning appliance by law for a small interior community and am experimenting with some new requirements that are not included in the model bylaw supplied by Environment Canada or other bylaws in British Columbia. One of the requirements involves the idea of buffer zones around areas known to shelter smoke-sensitive populations (hospitals, schools, parks, etc.). The bylaw has components in it that focus on these areas first so that sensitive populations can be relieved of some wood smoke impacts. My question relates to the radius of these areas from property lines eg.should they extend 100m around a hospital, 150m, 250m, etc.. I understand that a buffer zone of 150m is suggested for major transportation corridors but dont know of an equivalent standard for wood burning appliances, if one even exists. If any of you in your experiences have come across this before or know where to find credible data regarding this subject, I would appreciate hearing about it.

Thank you.
Laurie Gallant