Alexander Lee Hanover Oct 9, 2009 11:28 am

EPA/DOE brag on this website that $1 billion a year in energy is saved through Energy Star, freeing up dollars for us to buy other stuff. The Wikipedia entries on Jevon's Paradox and the Khazzoom-Brookes Postulates are worth reading and considering. Energy efficiency is not a moral good, in the way that conservation is. Sometimes it leads to us driving more miles per year in our cars, buying unnecessary solar sidewalk lights, thinking we are making a difference with our Energy Star purchases, when all we are really doing is contributing to more economic growth that spurs more environmental and climate destruction. I would like more information on any intellectually honest discussion of this debate. We must not let this important idea be snuffed out for fear that the certain ideologues will use this theory for the pernicious end of making energy efficiency taboo.

Alexander Lee
Project Laundry List
United States