Jenna Halsey Corvallis Apr 30, 2010 14:41 pm

Greetings fellow sustainable minds,

I am a graduate student at Oregon State University and I'm working on a program with the City of Corvallis' Stormwater Program to reduce fertilizer use and improve water quality. I am working with local lawn care professionals to uncover barriers in a few selected practices and I could use any literature about perceived barriers to reducing fertilizers in lawns. The behaviors that I am targeting are mulch-mowing or recycling grass clippings, using slow-release fertilizers, testing the soil regularly, and sweeping any excess fertilizer or clippings off of hard surfaces (i.e. sidewalks, streets) and back into the lawn. These are the "low hanging fruits" that will be easy for lawn care professionals to bite.

If you have any literature about these behaviors or any barriers that pertain to lawn care in general, that would be very much appreciated!

Thank you!

Jenna Halsey

Jenna Halsey
MS Candidate
Oregon State University, Marine Resource Management
United States