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Jay Kassirer Ottawa Sep 20, 2011 13:23 pm

Tools of Change is pleased to announce our eighth season of convenient 90-minute social marketing (CBSM)instruction and review webinars. Sessions in this series cover: Introduction to Social Marketing; Introduction to Formative Research, Targeting Your Audience and Overcoming Barriers; Building Motivation Over Time; Incentives and Norm Appeals; and Impact Measurement and Evaluation. The cost is $70 per webinar. Next up are:
Introduction to Social Marketing (Oct. 7, 2011)
Introduction to Formative Research, Targeting Your Audience, and Overcoming Barriers (November 4, 2011)
Building Motivation Over Time (December 2, 2011)

Our series of case study webinars will be announced in late October.

Do you want your managers and colleagues to better understand and support your social marketing efforts? Invite them to participate in the webinars with you - there is no extra charge for additional people sharing your connection.

Details and registration: www.webinars.cullbridge.com

To get on our mailing list: http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?llr=nmzyc7n6&p=oi&m=1011333490061

Cheers, Jay

Jay Kassirer
Cullbridge Marketing, and Tools of Change