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Jay Kassirer Ottawa Jul 3, 2013 11:00 am

The International Social Marketing Association (iSMA) is launching its webinar series, Social Marketing Advances and Resources on July 23, 2013. These webinars, which are free for iSMA members and $50 for non-members, will provide timely, widely-relevant and newsworthy information on evidence-based social marketing advances and resources world-wide.

The first webinars in the series are:
Tues. July 23: Service Design for Social Marketers, with Craig Lefebvre and Jennifer Kasten (USA)
Tues. Sept. 10: Behavioural Architecture: Effective Solutions for Social Problems Using Cognitive Neuroscience and Behavioural Economics, with Biju Dominic (India)
Tues. Oct. 29: Community-Based Social Marketing and Behavior Selection, with Doug Mckenzie-Mohr and a second speaker (still being determined) (Canada and TBD)
Nov / Dec: Social Franchising (speakers being determined, with a focus on Asia and developing countries)
Jan. 2014: Corporate Social Marketing, with Nancy Lee (USA)

Each webinar will be presented twice, because iSMA members work and live world-wide:

Time Zone First Presentation Second Presentation
UTC-7 (N.A. Pacific Daylight Time) 3:30 am 9:00 am
UTC-4 (N.A. Eastern Daylight Savings Time) 6:30 am 12:00 pm
UTC+0 (GMT, U.K.) 10:30 am 4:00 pm
UTC+1 (British Summer Time, UK, West Africa Time) 11:30 am 5:00 pm
UTC+5.5 (India) 4:00 pm 9:30 pm
UTC+10 (Eastern Australia) 8:30 pm 2:00 am

More countries: www.worldtimezone.com/

Audience: These webinars are primarily targeted at seasoned social marketers, but they are designed to also be of value to beginners and students.


Space is limited to 150 participants per presentation. iSMA members get early registration privileges.
- iSMA members may register for free for the first two webinars starting Tuesday July 2.
- Non-members may register for the first two webinars for $50 per webinar, starting Tuesday July 9; Note that a standard annual iSMA membership costs only $49.99; less for students and those from developing countries.

Register at http://www.i-socialmarketing.org/isma-webinar-series


Service Design for Social Marketers (July 23)

The integration of service design principles into social marketing is one of our more fertile areas for research and practice. Designers are among the most vocal advocates for including the people we formerly called our audience in the process of co-creating programs and tactics. Designers strive to develop empathy for the people they wish to serveto understand their lives beyond the numbers from surveys or the comments from focus groups. Using a variety of research techniques to establish this empathy and to understand service touch-points and how they connect over time to form the customer journey, designers then redesign and reengineer the process to make it more suitable for the people using the service.

This 90-minute webinar will include a theoretical overview and a case study of how service design ideas and methods were applied to the re-creation of a national technical assistance and training program for community-based organizations in the US. It will be followed up with a chat session on the iSMA site for the remainder of the week.

Presented on Tuesday, July 23 by Craig Lefebvre (Chief Maven, socialShift; Lead Change Designer, RTI International; and Research Professor, University of South Florida, USA) and Jennifer Kasten (Vice President, JBS International.) 90 minutes in length.

Behavioural Architecture: Effective Solutions for Social Problems Using Cognitive Neuroscience and Behavioural Economics (Sept. 10)

FinalMile Consulting has pioneered the practice of Behavior Architecture - the application of Cognitive Neuroscience and Behavioural Economics to understand and influence decision making and thus bridge the Awareness-Action gap across different human behaviors. The resulting interventions are based on a design philosophy (Designing for the Non-Conscious) that appreciates the dominant role and efficiency of non-conscious processes in decision making.

This 60-minute webinar will focus on the key principles involved, and how they have been used in influencing human behavior to effectively solve social problems like deaths due to trespassing of rail tracks, accidents at unmanned railway level crossings, lack of sanitation in a slum and non-adherence to Tuberculosis medication.

Presented on Tuesday, September 10, by Biju Dominic, FinalMile Consulting, India.


Space is limited to 150 participants per presentation. iSMA members get early registration privileges.
- iSMA members may register for free for the first two webinars starting Tuesday July 2.
- Non-members may register for the first two webinars for $50 per webinar, starting Tuesday July 9; Note that a standard annual iSMA membership costs only $49.99; less for students and those from developing countries.

Register at http://www.i-socialmarketing.org/isma-webinar-series

For further information contact:

Jay Kassirer
Chair, iSMA Membership and Webinar Committees
President, Cullbridge Marketing and Communications
2699 Priscilla Street, Ottawa Ontario, Canada K2B 7E1
[email protected], Tel: (613) 224-3800 | (800) 262-0934

Winthrop Win Morgan
President & CEO, International Social Marketing Association
6414 Hollins Drive, Bethesda, MD 20817
[email protected] www.i-socialmarketing.org
Landline: (301) 581-2422 Mobile: (301) 807-2731

Jay Kassirer
Cullbridge Marketing, and Tools of Change