dean bridgfoot Castlemaine Feb 14, 2007 4:22 am

We are seeking information on programs that have seen a significant uptake of renewable energy purchasing by domestic consumers (that is in the voluntary marketplace where consumers have to specify they wish to purchase renewable energy) and specifically the barriers and benefits that were identified and how they were addressed. We are of course very interested in cbsm approaches. Our organisation is aiming to assist our local government achieve its aim of a 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2010 with the aim of becoming carbon neutral by 2020. Currently 3% or residents opt to buy accredited Greenpower products. We have a project to aim to increase this to 30% of residents by 2010 ( a big stretch target admittedly).

Dean Bridgfoot

Carolyn Neilson and Dean Bridgfoot
Project Coordinators
Mount Alexander Sustainability Group
233 Barker St, PO Box 1043
Castlemaine VIC 3450
Tel: 5470 6978 or 0448 327 791
Email:  mailto:[email protected]