Bernie Masters Capel Jun 4, 2008 5:38 am

Apologies for this somewhat unusual request but I'm trying to find the title and author of a book that Paul Ehrlich spoke about when he was visiting Western Australia 15 or more years ago. It was based on the diaries of a family which owned a farming property in New York state (I think) from the very early days of colonisation on the east coast of the USA. It described how there were 4 phases of landscape modification over the past 400 years, each phase lasting roughly 100 years: 1st phase - clearing of forests to establish pasture and crops 2nd phase - realising that the landscape had been over-cleared, several generations then revegetated, but used mostly European and other non-local species 3rd phase - realising that the wrong species had been planted and were causing serious environmental problems, the next couple of generations cleared the landscape of these exotic species 4th and current phase - for the last 50 to 100 years, people have now been revegetating the landscape but this time using local species from the eastern USA. I'm interested in reading this book since, where I live in south west Western Australia, we've gone through similar phases and are now desperately trying to revegetate with native species to overcome loss of biodiversity and to turn around the world's worst dry-land salinity problems. Can anyone give me some clues as to what this book is? I though it had a title something like "The View from the Farm" but my Google searches haven't found what I am looking for.
