One of our challenges is how to manage growth. Do you know of any good examples that are documented in journal papers or reports (eg compact cities, incorporating green areas, safety, low impact design as part of good urban form etc, quality urban development, minimising transportation distances, multi-modal transport, establishing local communities facilities / ammenities (so one does not have to drive 5 km to the mall etc) and/or reviews of how to achieve in practice (eg not theory; where it has been undertaken in practice)?
Also appreciated are papers or reports aboaut integration and how to achieve it (eg, transport - growth - health - public safety etc; integrated floodplain management - flood protection/mitgation - economic use - ecosystem use etc). Furthermore, info on how these urban forms improve urban quality of life and are more financially viable; less environmental footprint etc
marcus ballantyne
New Zealand
Best Practice Urban Design and Good Examples of Implementation
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There are some good resources at this site:
I also have a few papers on Low Impact Development that I can send you if you follow up with me directly.
Kate Hayes
Savanta Inc.
The Lincoln Envirotown Trust is also concerned about good urban design and have consulted with developers and have made submissions etc. I expect you know about the LIUDD people
You can learn more about what we do and contact us through our web site
Best wishes
sue jarvis
As an input for your design process (and perhaps to justify your preferred solutions), the following studies have examined the transport energy implications of land-use planning decisions:
* Macro-urban form and transport energy outcomes - Investigations for Melbourne:
* Assessing the costs of alternative development paths in Australian cities:
Hope this helps and good luck with your quest
kristian handberg
Dept of Sustainability and Environment
There is a long standing development in California called 'Village Homes'. Their website isn't amazing, but if you can get hold of a copy of an ABC (Australia) documentary series called 'Global Gardener' about Permaculture developments world wide Village homes is featured on there.
A couple of sites with lots of resources on the areas you are talking about are:
Also check out and watch the 'Greening the Desert' flash movie; very inspiring stuff & covers some of the wider concepts you are interested in, perhaps for a post-urbanised world!
I can give you tips on downloading a whole raft of sustainability documents & videos; not sure what the protocols are on this listserv about promoting unliscenced content, but if i recommend and you can figure the rest out for yourself!
Alexis Anderson
London Borough of Richmond
United Kingdom
Oh & its sort of my personal interest area in urban sustainability, but relates indirectly to transport due to reducing the need for transporting goods - urban agriculture. Have a look at and
Alexis Anderson
London Borough of Richmond
United Kingdom
Try going to , register (free) and download module 2a on Land use aad transport, which has various experiences on this issue. Hope it helps!
Carlos Pardo
Project coordinator