Max Deuble Sydney Oct 3, 2011 19:43 pm

Dear all,

my name is Max and I'm a PhD student from Australia. I'm interested in calculating the total carbon emissions that I have accumulated throughout my PhD. I only have 4-6 months left to complete my final thesis and my intention was to include a brief chapter referring to how much carbon has been emitted over the course of my degree. So basically I'm hoping someone might know of a useful online carbon footprint/emissions calculator I can use to calculate all the emissions related to my studies/research, e.g. energy used from computers, laptops and lights, car usage, plane travel and flights, as well as emissions from paper usage.

I'm aware that there are many good calculators on the internet that can calculate these emissions already, e.g. I have frequently used Climate Friendly ( to calculate emissions from using my car and my international flights. However whilst they do provide some calculators for home electricity use these are quite vague and can't provide the accuracy I would like, e.g. I want to know exactly how much carbon has been emitted from using my desktop computer each day over the past 4 years. This site only estimates total house electricity consumption and doesn't break it down according to appliance. I'm aware that it is possible to calculate the emissions from each appliance the hard way by finding how many Watts it generates for each hour of usage which I can then convert to a yearly energy consumption based on how many hours they are used in the average year then multiply this by Australia's CO2 conversion factors for my state. But I'm hoping an online calculator might make this task a little easier.

I have looked at some of the other footprint calculators mentioned on this site but they still have problems, e.g. they aren't based in Australia or they include emissions from other lifestyle factors, e.g. food which isn't what I really need. I just want to calculate the emissions from computer, transport, plane and paper usage.

I would be greatly appreciated if anyone can help me with my request, whether they have some useful information or material or know about some other carbon footprint/emissions calculators that can help me.


Max Deuble
PhD Student
Macquarie University