Hello everyone, I am wondering how you have gone about finding experts who can weigh in on the impact of a range of conservation behaviors? The reason we have a wide variety of types of actions is because we solicited the opinions of a few different target audiences. So for example our behaviors that we would like to determine impact for include (but is not limited to): creating wildlife habitat by planting native plants (at/near your home), enrolling with a clean energy provider for electricity, and reduce plastic consumption by purchasing products in alternative packaging. We've preliminarily used Project Drawdown's Table of Solutions but many actions do not have an exact match. Or do you know of any other websites that have a similar feature to Project Drawdown's Table of Solutions? Thank you for your help!
Behavior Selection - Finding Experts to Weigh In
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Hi Shuli,
It’s good to hear that you are at the stage where you are determining the impact of various behaviours. In terms of finding experts to help you with this, you might consider looking through the profiles of some of your colleagues on this CBSM site. To do that, you can go to Resources, (as opposed to Forums) and then find each category that you are interested in. For example, Conservation/Native plants, Energy/Renewable energy, Waste/Waste reduction. From there you can click on the Colleagues tab and scroll through all the people who are interested in and/or have professional expertise in that topic area. For those whose expertise most aligns with your goals, you can click Message, and they will receive an email from you in their inbox. If you’d like help with any of this, please don't hesitate to email me at [email protected] and I will assist you further.
Hi Shuli, In addition to Julie's suggestions, I would encourage you to look not only at impact, but also at adoption, probability and applicability in deciding which behaviors to foster. Impact, by itself, is only part of the story and it needs to be combined with other factors to fully appreciate which behaviors are worth promoting. If you are unfamiliar with these concepts, please see the second chapter of Fostering Sustainable Behavior.
Hope this helps, Doug
Hope this helps, Doug
Thank you Julie and thank you Doug, and yes, we've collected data about probability, penetration, and applicability.
Glad to hear, Shuli. Good luck!
You're welcome, Shuli!