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An ecological perspective on health promotion programs.

McLeroy, K. R., Bibeau, D., Steckler, A., & Glanz, K. (1988). An ecological perspective on health promotion programs. Health Education Quarterly, 15(4), 351–377.
This article proposes an ecological model for health promotion which focuses attention on both individual and social environmental factors as targets for health promotion interven…

Interventions to enhance patient adherence to medication prescriptions: scientific review.

McDonald, H. P., Garg, A. X., & Haynes, R. B. (2002). Interventions to enhance patient adherence to medication prescriptions: scientific review. JAMA, 288(22), 2868–2879.
Context: Low adherence with prescribed treatments is ubiquitous and undermines treatment benefits. Objective: To systematically review published randomized controlled trials (RCT…

Patient opinions regarding “pay for performance for patients.”

Long, J. A., Helweg-Larsen, M., & Volpp, K. G. (2008). Patient opinions regarding “pay for performance for patients.” Journal of General Internal Medicine, 23(10), 1647–1652.
Pay for performance (P4P) programs have shown only modest improvements in outcomes and do not target patient behaviors. Many large employers and payers are turning to pay for perf…

Assessing theoretical predictors of long-term medication adherence: patients’ treatment-related beliefs, experiential feedback and habit development.

Leventhal, E. A. E. A., Leventhal, H., & Phillips, L. A. (2013). Assessing theoretical predictors of long-term medication adherence: patients’ treatment-related beliefs, experiential feedback and habit development. Psychology & Health 28(10), 1135-51.
Patient non-adherence to medication is a pervasive problem that contributes to poor patient health and high healthcare costs. Basic research and interventions have focused thus fa…

Motivational interviewing: an evidence-based approach to counseling helps patients follow treatment recommendations.

Levensky, E. R., Forcehimes, A., O’Donohue, W. T., & Beitz, K. (2007). Motivational interviewing: an evidence-based approach to counseling helps patients follow treatment recommendations. The American Journal of Nursing, 107(10), 58-59.
Motivational interviewing is an evidenced-based counseling approach that health care providers can use to help patients adhere to treatment recommendations. It emphasizes using a …

Intentional and unintentional medication non-adherence: A comprehensive framework for clinical research and practice? A discussion paper.

Lehane, E., & McCarthy, G. (2007). Intentional and unintentional medication non-adherence: A comprehensive framework for clinical research and practice? A discussion paper. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 44(8), 1468–1477.
Non-adherence to medications is a prevalent and persistent healthcare problem, particularly for patients with a chronic disorder. Researchers have endeavoured to address poor adhe…

Effect of a pharmacy care program on medication adherence and persistence, blood pressure, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol: a randomized controlled trial.

Lee, J. K., Grace, K. A., & Taylor, A. J. (2006). Effect of a pharmacy care program on medication adherence and persistence, blood pressure, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA, 296(21), 2563–2571.
Poor medication adherence diminishes the health benefits of pharmacotherapies. Elderly patients with coronary risk factors frequently require treatment with multiple medications, …

Perspectives of patients on factors relating to adherence to post-acute coronary syndrome medical regimens.

Lambert-Kerzner, A., Havranek, E. P., Plomondon, M. E., Fagan, K. M., McCreight, M. S., Fehling, K. B., … Ho, P. M. (2015). Perspectives of patients on factors relating to adherence to post-acute coronary syndrome medical regimens. Patient Preference and Adherence, 9, 1053–1059.
Poor adherence to cardioprotective medications after acute coronary syndrome (ACS) hospitalization is associated with increased risk of rehospitalization and mortality. Clinical t…

Barriers and facilitators to medication adherence: a qualitative study with general practitioners.

Kvarnström, K., Airaksinen, M., & Liira, H. (2018). Barriers and facilitators to medication adherence: a qualitative study with general practitioners. BMJ Open, 8(1), e015332.
Background: General practitioners (GPs) manage the drug therapies of people with chronic diseases, and poor adherence to medication remains a major challenge. Objective: This qua…

Medication adherence and persistence: a comprehensive review.

Krueger, K. P., Berger, B. A., & Felkey, B. (2005). Medication adherence and persistence: a comprehensive review. Advances in Therapy, 22(4), 313–356.
Estimates of adherence to long-term medication regimens range from 17% to 80%, and nonadherence (or non-persistence) can lead to increased morbidity, mortality, and healthcare cos…

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