Off Leash Dogs and Water Access

rmcleod Oct 8, 2008 9:55 am
Hello! Does anybody know of research or policies dealing with off leash dogs and access to water bodies (primarily rivers)? We have been tasked to provide research to dete…

Canadian Perceptions of Commercial Fisheries Management and Marine Mammal Conservation in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean

Kellert, S. R., Gibbs, J. P., & Wohlgenant, T. J. Canadian perceptions of commercial fisheries management and marine mammal conservation in the nortwest Atlantic Ocean. Vol. 8. 1995. 20-30.
Public attitudes toward the use of fisheries and marine mammals in the northwest Atlantic have played an influential role in recent controversies over management of these resource…

Conservation Learning in Wildlife Tourism Settings: Lessons from Research in Zoos and Aquariums

Ballantyne, Roy; Packer, Jan; Hughes, Karen; Dierking, Lynn (2007). Conservation Learning in Wildlife Tourism Settings: Lessons from Research in Zoos and Aquariums. Environmental Education Research, 13, 3, 367-383.
Zoos and aquariums have shifted their focus over recent years, taking a much more active role in wildlife conservation and in promoting conservation learning among their visitors.…

Ecological Awareness, Environmentalist Action, and International Conservation Strategy

Kottak, C. P. & Costa, A. C. (1993). Ecological awareness, environmentalist action, and international conservation strategy. Human Organization, 52, 4, 335-343.
Describes ongoing research on environmental risk perception and action in Brazil and Madagascar. Researchers have been investigating the relationship between the perception of env…

Population, Resources, and Environment: Implications of Human Behavioral Ecology for Conservation

Low, B. S., & Heinen, J. T. (1993). Population, resources, and environment: Implications of human behavioral ecology for conservation. Population and Environment: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 15, 1, 7-41.
Asserts that while humans have evolved to a state in which we can cause global extinction, we have not evolved to consider the global population our family. If human resource use …

The Logic of Competing Information Campaigns: Conflict Over Old Growth and the Spotted Owl

Lange, J. I. (1993). The logic of competing information campaigns: Conflict over old growth and the spotted owl.. Communication Monographs, 60, 239-257.
This qualitative case study examines the nature of the competing information campaigns offered by environmental and timber industry groups as they conflict over the Northern spott…

Canada's Agricultural and Trade Policies: Implications for Rural Renewal and Biodiversity

Sopuck, R. D. (1993). Canada's agricultural and trade policies: Implications for rural renewal and biodiversity. National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy.

Harvesting Methods in Canada's Forests: A Discussion Paper from the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy

Thompson, S. (1994). Harvesting methods in Canada's forests: A discussion paper from the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy. National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy.

Behavior Analysis and Environmental Protection: Where Have all the Flowers Gone?

Geller, E. S. (1991). Behavior analysis and environmental protection: Where have all the flowers gone?. ?, ?, ?, 269-273.

Content Analysis: A Technique for Measuring Attitudes Expressed in Environmental Education Literature

Burrus-Bammel, L. L., Bammel, G., & Kopitsky, K. (1988). Content analysis: A technique for measuring attitudes expressed in environmental education literature. Journal of Environmental Education, 19, 4, 32-37.
Demonstrated a content analysis approach to documentary research involving archive material. The 5 steps of (1) defining the population, (2) determining the sample, (3) isolatin…

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