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Implementation of a Medication Adherence Program (MAP) in the Primary Care Setting for Adults Diagnosed with Hypertension

Harrell, R. (July 2017). Implementation of a Medication Adherence Program (MAP) in the Primary Care Setting for Adults Diagnosed with Hypertension (DNP Scholarly Project, East Carolina University).
Medication adherence is a significant problem in primary care. The primary care site chosen for this project reported poor patient medication adherence was related to age, health …

The role of prior experience in informing and motivating earthquake preparedness. 

Becker, J. S., Paton, D., Johnston, D. M., Ronan, K. R., & McClure, J. (2017). The role of prior experience in informing and motivating earthquake preparedness. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 22, 179-193.
Motivating household preparedness for earthquakes can be difficult, especially given the infrequent and varying nature of major events. Past research has shown that people's exper…

Responses when the earth trembles: The impact of community awareness campaigns on protective behavior. 

Okazaki, S., Benavent-Climent, A., Navarro, A., & Henseler, J. (2015). Responses when the earth trembles: The impact of community awareness campaigns on protective behavior. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 34(1), 4-18.
This study takes a social marketing perspective to explore community disaster preparedness by considering (1) appropriate sources of information about disaster severity, (2) the w…

Who participates in the great ShakeOut? Why audience segmentation is the future of disaster preparedness campaigns.

Adams, R. M., Karlin, B., Eisenman, D. P., Blakley, J., & Glik, D. (2017). Who participates in the great ShakeOut? Why audience segmentation is the future of disaster preparedness campaigns. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(11), 1407.
Background: In 2008, the Southern California Earthquake Center in collaboration with the U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Hazards Program launched the first annual Great ShakeOut…

Examining associations between citizens' beliefs and attitudes about uncertainty and their earthquake risk judgments, preparedness intentions, and mitigation policy support in Japan and the United States. 

Johnson, B. B., & Nakayachi, K. (2017). Examining associations between citizens' beliefs and attitudes about uncertainty and their earthquake risk judgments, preparedness intentions, and mitigation policy support in Japan and the United States. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 22, 37-45.
Although hazards are inherently uncertain, research on citizens’ judgments of risk, hazard preparedness, and support for mitigation policies has rarely accounted for citizens’ bel…

Effects of risk framing on earthquake risk perception: Life-time frequencies enhance recognition of the risk. 

Henrich, L., McClure, J., & Crozier, M. (2015). Effects of risk framing on earthquake risk perception: Life-time frequencies enhance recognition of the risk. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 13, 145-150.
The way a risk is framed influences people's judgment of the severity or importance of that risk. This study examined the effects of framing of earthquake risk on risk perception.…

Comparative effectiveness of audit-feedback versus additional physician communication training to improve cancer screening for patients with limited health literacy.

Price-Haywood, E.G., Harden-Barrios, J., & Cooper, L.A., (2014). Comparative effectiveness of audit-feedback versus additional physician communication training to improve cancer screening for patients with limited health literacy. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 29(8), 1113-1121.
Background: We designed a continuing medical education (CME) program to teach primary care physicians (PCP) how to engage in cancer risk communication and shared decision making w…

Comparative effectiveness of audit-feedback versus additional physician communication training to improve cancer screening for patients with limited health literacy.

Price-Haywood, E.G., Harden-Barrios, J., & Cooper, L.A., (2014). Comparative effectiveness of audit-feedback versus additional physician communication training to improve cancer screening for patients with limited health literacy. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 29(8), 1113-1121.
Background: We designed a continuing medical education (CME) program to teach primary care physicians (PCP) how to engage in cancer risk communication and shared decision making w…

Comparative effectiveness of audit-feedback versus additional physician communication training to improve cancer screening for patients with limited health literacy.

Price-Haywood, E.G., Harden-Barrios, J., & Cooper, L.A., (2014). Comparative effectiveness of audit-feedback versus additional physician communication training to improve cancer screening for patients with limited health literacy. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 29(8), 1113-1121.
Background: We designed a continuing medical education (CME) program to teach primary care physicians (PCP) how to engage in cancer risk communication and shared decision making w…

Under blood pressure - differentiated versus undifferentiated marketing to increase blood donations.

Sundermann, L. M., Boenigk, S., & Willems, J. (2017). Under blood pressure - differentiated versus undifferentiated marketing to increase blood donations. International Review on Public and Non - Profit Marketing, 14(3), 321-340.
Despite strong evidence in current marketing theory and practice that a differentiated marketing approach increases recruitment success, blood services worldwide often use undiffe…

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