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Environmental Evaluations and Participation Activities: A Social Psychological Field Study

Prester, G., Rohrmann, B., & Schellhammer, E. (1987). Environmental evaluations and participation activities: A social psychological field study. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 17, 9, 751-787.
Investigated the determinants of protest vs passivity in a situation of environmental deterioration, using questionnaire data from 229 West Germans in an urban area where plans fo…

Personality Characteristics and Environmental Attitudes

Arbuthnot, J. (1974). Environmental knowledge and recycling behavior as a fuction of attitudes and personality characteristics. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1, 1, 119-121.
Investigated the relationship between attitudes toward environmental issues and certain personality characteristics related to locus of control, openness of belief system, and per…

Factors Influencing Household Recycling Behavior

Oskamp, S., Harrington, M. J., Edwards, T. C., Sherwood, D. L., Okuda, S. M., & Swanson, D. C. (1991). Factors influencing household recycling behavior. Environment and Behavior, 23, 4, 494-519.
Conducted telephone interviews to study the recycling behavior, attitudes, and knowledge of 221 adults in a suburban city that had begun a citywide curbside recycling program with…

Psychological or Attitudinal Factors which Influence the Introduction of Energy Conservation Technologies

Parthasarathy, R. (1989). Psychological or attitudinal factors which influence the introduction of energy conservation technologies. Abhigyan, fall, 36-47.
Energy conservation technologies can be classified in terms of (1) stages of development, (2) the investments required, (3) numbers of items involved, and (4) the beneficiaries. A…

Environmental Education and Environmental Attitudes

Pettus, A. (1976). Environmental education and environmental attitudes.. Journal of Environmental Education, 8, 1, 48-51.

Nuclear Fears and Concerns among College Students: A Cross-National Study of Attitudes

Rabow, J., Hernandez, A. C., & Newcombe, M. D. (1990). Nuclear fears and concerns among college students: A cross-national study of attitudes.. Political Psychology, 11, 4, 681-698.
Assessed the quality and extent of nuclear fears and beliefs among 288 college students (48% male) from the US, UK, and Sweden, using the Nuclear Attitudes Questionnaire (NAQ) d…

Environmental Knowledge and Attitudes

Arbuthnot, J. (1974). Environmental knowledge and recycling behavior as a fuction of attitudes and personality characteristics. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1, 1, 119-121.

Implications of Attitude and Behavior Research for Environmental Conservation

Newhouse, N. (1990). Implications of attitude and behavior research for environmental conservation. Journal of Environmental Education, 22, 1, 26-32.
Discusses the difficulties of changing both behavior and motivations to generate more environmentally responsible behavior from people. The study of attitude and behavior suggests…

Impact of Education, Age, Newspapers, and Television on Environmental Knowledge, Concerns, and Behaviors

Ostman, R. E., & Parker, J. L. (1987). Impact of education, age, newspapers, and television on environmental knowledge, concerns, and behaviors. Journal of Environmental Education, 19, 1, 3-9.
Investigated the connections between environmental knowledge, concerns, and behaviors, by conducting a telephone survey of 336 residents of Ithaca, New York. Respondents' educatio…

Psychology's Role in the Conserving Society

Oskamp, S. (1983). Psychology's role in the conserving society. Population and Environment Behavioral and Social Issues, 6, 4, 255-293.
Reviews the literature on areas of progress in the environmental problems that affect people's lives and behaviors. It is suggested that psychologists and other social scientists …

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