Social Cognitive Theory of Mass Communication

Bandura, A. (2001). Social cognitive theory of mass communication. Media Psychology, 3(3), 265-299.
Social cognitive theory provides an agentic conceptual framework within which to analyze the determinants and psychosocial mechanisms through which symbolic communication influenc…

A Longitudinal Study of Informational Interventions to Save Energy in an Office Building

Staats, H., van-Leeuwen, E., & Wit, A. (2000). A longitudinal study of informational interventions to save energy in an office building. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 33, 1, 101-104.
Investigated whether informational interventions, applied periodically might affect proenvironmental behavior change and long term maintenance of change of office occupants. The i…

Normative Social Influence is Underdetected

Nolan, J. M., Schultz, P. W., Cialdini, R. B., Goldstein, N. J., Griskevicius V. (2008). Normative Social Influence is Underdetected. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34 (7), 913-923.
The present research investigated the persuasive impact and detectability of normative social influence. The first study surveyed 810 Californians about energy conservation and fo…

The Constructive, Destructive, and Reconstructive Power of Social Norms

Schultz P. W., Nolan J. M., Cialdini R. B., Goldstein N. J., Griskevicius Vladas (2007). The Constructive, Destructive, and Reconstructive Power of Social Norms. Psychological Science, 18(5), 429-434.
Despite a long tradition of effectiveness in laboratory tests, normative messages have had mixed success in changing behavior in field contexts, with some studies showing boomeran…

Validation, Persuasion and Recycling: Capitalizing on the Social Ecology of Newspaper Use

Werner, Carol M.; Byerly, Sari; White, Paul H.; Kieffer, Matthew (2004). Validation, Persuasion and Recycling: Capitalizing on the Social Ecology of Newspaper Use. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 26, 2, 183-198.
Two experiments used clinical validation to increase scrutiny of messages posted in public settings. The first experiment used a 2 (validation: no/yes) × 2 (persuasion: none/"it i…

Using Normative Social Influence to Promote Conservation Among Hotel Guests

Schultz, P. W., Khazian, A., Zaleski, A. (2008). Using normative social influence to promote conservation among hotel guests. Social Influence, 3(1), 4-23.
Three field experiments are reported on the ability of printed normative messages to influence conservation behavior among hotel guests. While prior research has shown that social…

Resolving Social Dilemmas: Dynamic Structural And Intergroup Aspects

Foddy, M, & Smithson, M. (1999). Choice of transportation mode: Factors influencing drivers' willingness to reduce personal car use and support car regulations . In Garvill, J. (Ed.). Resolving social dilemmas: Dynamic, structural, and intergroup aspects. (pp. 263-279).
Examined the effects of a structural intervention with social-psychological implications, the introduction of domestic meters for water use, on water use and conservation attitude…

Types and Influential Factors of Consumers' Non-Purchasing Ecological Behaviors

Tilikidou, I., & Delistavrou, A. (2008). Types and influential factors of consumers' non-purchasing ecological behaviors. Business Strategy and the Environment, 17(1), 61-76.
This article presents an examination of non-purchasing ecological behaviors and their influential factors. The results indicate that consumers who engage in recycling, proenvironm…

Environmental Behaviour in Chicago Automotive Repair Micro-Enterprises (MEPs)

Mir, D. (2008). Environmental behaviour in Chicago automotive repair micro-enterprises (MEPs). Business Strategy and the Environment, 17(3), 194-207.
This study analyzes the relationship between internal and external factors that influence environmental behaviour in traditional service micro-enterprises, focusing on Chicago mot…

Does Explicit Contracting Effectively Link CEO Compensation to Environmental Performance?

Cordeiro, J., & Sarkis, J. (2008). Does explicit contracting effectively link CEO compensation to environmental performance?. Business Strategy and the Environment, 17(5), 304-317.
Empirical research in the area of corporate sustainability highlights potential conflicts between corporate financial performance and environmental performance. In such a situatio…

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