Behavioral Determinants of Household Recycling Participation: The Portuguese Case

Valle, P., Reis, E., Menezes, J., & Rebelo, E. (2004). Behavioral Determinants of Household Recycling Participation: The Portuguese Case. Environment and Behavior, 36(4), 505-540. doi:10.1177/0013916503260892.
Recycling is an effective resource-recovery mechanism with significant economic and environmental benefits. The success of the Portuguese Integrated System of Packaging Waste Mana…

Combining Behavioral Theories to Predict Recycling Involvement

Oom Do Valle, P., Rebelo, E., Reis, E., & Menezes, J. (2005). Combining Behavioral Theories to Predict Recycling Involvement. Environment and Behavior, 37(3), 364-396. doi:10.1177/0013916504272563.
This study merges insights from two well-known attitude-behavior theories—the theory of planned behavior and the model of altruistic behavior—with elements from two broader models…

Local Responsiveness Pressure, Subsidiary Resources, Green Management Adoption and Subsidiary's Performance: Evidence from Taiwanese Manufactures

Peng, Y., & Lin, S. (2008). Local responsiveness pressure, subsidiary resources, green management adoption and subsidiary's performance: Evidence from Taiwanese manufactures. Journal of Business Ethics, 79(1), 199-212.
This study aims to explore if local responsiveness pressure and subsidiary resources influence green management adoption of overseas subsidiaries, and to investigate the relations…

Emotions, Habits and Rational Choices in Ecological Behaviours: The Case of Recycling and Use of Public Transportation

Carrus, G., Passafaro, P., & Bonnes, M. (2008, March). Emotions, habits and rational choices in ecological behaviours: The case of recycling and use of public transportation. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 28(1), 51-62.
Two field studies examined the role of attitudes, subjective norms, perceived control, anticipated emotions, past behaviour and desire in the prediction of pro-environmental behav…

Normative Social Influence is Underdetected

Nolan, J. M., Schultz, P. W., Cialdini, R. B., Goldstein, N. J., Griskevicius V. (2008). Normative Social Influence is Underdetected. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34 (7), 913-923.
The present research investigated the persuasive impact and detectability of normative social influence. The first study surveyed 810 Californians about energy conservation and fo…

The Constructive, Destructive, and Reconstructive Power of Social Norms

Schultz P. W., Nolan J. M., Cialdini R. B., Goldstein N. J., Griskevicius Vladas (2007). The Constructive, Destructive, and Reconstructive Power of Social Norms. Psychological Science, 18(5), 429-434.
Despite a long tradition of effectiveness in laboratory tests, normative messages have had mixed success in changing behavior in field contexts, with some studies showing boomeran…

Using Normative Social Influence to Promote Conservation Among Hotel Guests

Schultz, P. W., Khazian, A., Zaleski, A. (2008). Using normative social influence to promote conservation among hotel guests. Social Influence, 3(1), 4-23.
Three field experiments are reported on the ability of printed normative messages to influence conservation behavior among hotel guests. While prior research has shown that social…

Environmental Behaviour in Chicago Automotive Repair Micro-Enterprises (MEPs)

Mir, D. (2008). Environmental behaviour in Chicago automotive repair micro-enterprises (MEPs). Business Strategy and the Environment, 17(3), 194-207.
This study analyzes the relationship between internal and external factors that influence environmental behaviour in traditional service micro-enterprises, focusing on Chicago mot…

Conspicuous Conservation: Pro-environmental Consumption and Status Competition

Griskevicius, V. (2008). Conspicuous conservation: Pro-environmental consumption and status competition. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 69(2-B), 1378.
How can we motivate people to go green by switching to environmentally friendly behaviors? Traditional approaches suggest providing people with information (about the plight of th…

How Do Socio-demographic and Psychological Factors Relate to Households Direct and Indirect Energy Use and Savings?

Abrahamse, W. & Steg, L. (2009). How Do Socio-demographic and Psychological Factors Relate to Households Direct and Indirect Energy Use and Savings?. Journal of Economic Psychology, 30, 711-720.
Households constitute an important target group for energy conservation. They not only use energy in a direct way (gas, electricity and fuel) but also in an indirect way (embedded…

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