CBSM Recommends

Go Boulder

Created in 1989, the Go Boulder program was designed to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution by getting Boulder residents to shift from single-occupant vehicle use to alter…
CBSM Recommends

Promoting early detection of breast cancer among Vietnamese-American women

In the United States, research has found that Vietnamese women are less likely to have heard about or participated in breast cancer screening tests than other women in the US. To …
CBSM Recommends

Nortel Networks' GreenCommute

In 1998, Nortel Networks initiated GreenCommute, a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program for its campus expansion in Ottawa, Ontario. Through enhancing and promoting alte…
CBSM Recommends


Launched in 2002 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, VERB was a ‘for-kids-by-kids’ multicultural campaign aimed at increasing and maintaining physical activity amon…
CBSM Recommends

Super School of Five

In 2014, Sightsavers, Unilever, and Lifebuoy joined forces to create a program in Kenya, Ethiopia, and Zambia that would help to prevent childhood blindness and eliminate trachoma…
CBSM Recommends

Turn it Off: Anti-Idling Project Using Commitment, Prompts and Norms

In an attempt to combat vehicle idling, Toronto instated an Anti-Idling Bylaw limiting vehicle idling to three minutes. However, because enforcement proved difficult, the bylaw al…
CBSM Recommends

Smarter Travel in Outer London: Integrated Marketing in the UK

Developed in two phases, the Smarter Travel initiative had an overall goal of decreasing the number of trips made by car in the Outer Boroughs of London, promoting walking, cyclin…
CBSM Recommends

Bacterial Resistance and Nosocomial Infections Network

This paper explores five different approaches to antibiotic stewardship, providing examples of how international collaborations can address optimal prescribing. Each approach exam…
CBSM Recommends

Become an Antibiotic Guardian

To increase public and healthcare professionals’ engagement in behaviors aimed at reducing the threat of antimicrobial resistance, the United Kingdom launched the Antibiotic Guard…
CBSM Recommends

AIDS Peer Education Program

Originally created in 1987 by a high school nurse and biology teacher in the Montérégie region of Quebec, the AIDS Peer Education Program was designed to reduce the incidence of s…

Virtual Oceania

Introductory Workshop

May 29th - 31st, 2024

Registration Ending Soon!
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Virtual North America

Introductory Workshop

Jun 3rd - 5th, 2024

Registration Ending Soon!
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McKenzie-Mohr & Associates

Expertise in Community-Based Social Marketing