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Misperceiving the College Drinking Norm and Related Problems: A Nationwide Study of Exposure to Prevention Information, Perceived Norms and Student Alcohol Misuse

Perkins, H., Haines, M., & Rice, R. (2005). Misperceiving the College Drinking Norm and Related Problems: A Nationwide Study of Exposure to Prevention Information, Perceived Norms and Student Alcohol Misuse. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 66(4), 470-478.
Objective: This study examined (1) the prevalence of misperceptions of college student drinking norms across campuses nationwide, (2) the importance of perceived norms in predicti…

Laying Waste Together: The Shared Creation and Disposal of Refuse in a Social Context

Perry, M., Juhlin, O., & Normark, D. (2010). Laying waste together: The shared creation and disposal of refuse in a social context. Space and Culture, 13(1), 75-94.
This article examines how a shared object—trash—is managed through a field study of its generation and disposal within a public setting. Collaboration around trash, examining owne…

The Personal Norm of Reciprocity

Perugini, M., Gallucci, M., Presaghi, F., & Ercolani, A. (2003). The personal norm of reciprocity. European Journal of Personality, 17(4), 251-283. doi:10.1002/per.474.
Reciprocity is here considered as an internalized social norm, and a questionnaire to measure individual differences in the internalized norm of reciprocity is presented. The ques…

Differentiating Among Motives for Norm Conformity

Pool, G., & Schwegler, A. (2007). Differentiating among motives for norm conformity. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 29(1), 47-60.
Two studies investigated why individuals conform to social norms. The authors propose that individuals conform to social norms to satisfy 3 general motives: accuracy, self-related…

Moving Toward a Theory of Normative Influences: How Perceived Benefits and Similarity Moderate the Impact of Descriptive Norms on Behaviors

Rimal, R., Lapinski, M., Cook, R., & Real, K. (2005). Moving toward a theory of normative influences: How perceived benefits and similarity moderate the impact of descriptive norms on behaviors. Journal of Health Communication, 10(5), 433-450. doi:10.1080/10810730591009880.
In recent years researchers have focused attention on understanding the role of normative factors in influencing behaviors. Although there is some evidence to support the idea tha…

Expanding the Affective and Normative Components of the Theory of Planned Behavior: A Meta-Analysis of Anticipated Affect and Moral Norms

Rivis, A., Sheeran, P., & Armitage, C. (2009). Expanding the affective and normative components of the theory of planned behavior: A meta-analysis of anticipated affect and moral norms. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 39(12), 2985-3019. doi:10.1111/j.1559-1816.2009.00558.x.
Meta-analysis was used to determine the predictive validity of anticipated affect and moral norms in the theory of planned behavior (TPB; Ajzen, 1991). Medium-to-large sample-weig…

Descriptive Norms as an Additional Predictor in the Theory of Planned Behaviour: A Meta-Analysis

Rivis, A., & Sheeran, P. (2003). Descriptive norms as an additional predictor in the theory of planned behaviour: A meta-analysis. Current Psychology, 22(3), 218-233. doi:10.1007/s12144-003-1018-2.
This study used meta-analysis: (a) to quantify the relationship between descriptive norms and intentions, and (b) to determine the increment in variance attributable to descriptiv…

Using Theory to Understand Public Support for Collective Actions that Impact the Environment: Alleviating Water Supply Problems in a Nonarid Biome

Routhe, A., Jones, R., & Feldman, D. (2005). Using theory to understand public support for collective actions that impact the environment: Alleviating water supply problems in a nonarid biome. Social Science Quarterly, 86(4), 874-897. doi:10.1111/j.0038-4941.2005.00361.x.
Objectives: There is increasing public debate over how to meet future water supply needs in historically water-abundant areas such as the American southeast. Citizens, policymaker…

Evidence that Intentions Based on Attitudes Better Predict Behaviour than Intentions Based on Subjective Norms

Sheeran, P., Norman, P., & Orbell, S. (1999). Evidence that intentions based on attitudes better predict behaviour than intentions based on subjective norms. European Journal of Social Psychology, 29(2-3), 403-406. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1099-0992(199903/05)29:2/3<403::AID-EJSP942>3.0.CO;2-A.
Self-determination theory suggests that better prediction of behaviour will be observed from intentions based on attitudes than intentions based on subjective norms. In a study of…

Prosocial Norms as a Positive Youth Development Construct: Conceptual Bases and Implications for Curriculum Development

Siu, A., Cheng, H., & Leung, M. (2006). Prosocial norms as a positive youth development construct: Conceptual bases and implications for curriculum development. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 18(3), 451-457.
Prosocial norms are clear, healthy, ethical standards, beliefs, and behavior guidelines that promote prosocial behavior and minimize health risks. The promotion of prosocial norms…

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