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General Beliefs and the Theory of Planned Behavior: The Role of Environmental Concerns in the TPB

de Groot, J., & Steg, L. (2007). General beliefs and the theory of planned behavior: The role of environmental concerns in the TPB. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 37(8), 1817-1836. doi:10.1111/j.1559-1816.2007.00239.x.
This study tested whether the theory of planned behavior (TPB; Ajzen, 1985) could explain people's intention to use a park-and-ride facility (transferium) in Groningen, The Nether…

Light Rail Use is More Likely on Walkable Blocks: Further Support for Using Micro-Level Environmental Audit Measures

Werner, C., Brown, B., & Gallimore, J. (2009). Light rail use is more likely on walkable blocks: Further support for using micro-level environmental audit measures. Journal of Environmental Psychology, XX(X) (available online), 1-9.
The primary purpose of the study was to address the claim that people are more likely to walk to a transit stop if they live on a “walkable” block. An additional purpose was to ev…
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Household Actions Can Provide a Behavioral Wedge to Rapidly Reduce US Carbon Emissions

Dietz, T., Gardner, G.T., Gilligan, J., Stern, P.C., Vandenbergh, M.P. (2009). Household actions can provide a behavioral wedge to rapidly reduce US carbon emissions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106(44), 18452-18456.
Most climate change policy attention has been addressed to long-term options, such as inducing new, low-carbon energy technologies and creating cap-and-trade regimes for emissions…

What's the Catch? Reducing Consumption of Contaminated Fish Among Anglers

Jonick, T., Anderson, E. L., Lin, S., Bruni, C. M., Schultz, P., Groner, S., et al. (2010). What's the Catch? Reducing Consumption of Contaminated Fish Among Anglers. Social Marketing Quarterly, 16(1), 32-51.
In Southern California, white croaker caught within proximity to the Palos Verdes Shelf Superfund Site have been found to be contaminated with such high levels of dichloro-dipheny…

A Behavioral Analysis of Peaking in Residential Electrical-Energy Consumers

Kohlenberg, R., Phillips, T., & Proctor, W. (1976). A behavioral analysis of peaking in residential electrical-energy consumers. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 9(1), 13-18.
Investigated the peaking phenomenon, the tendency for electrical energy users to consume at high rates for brief periods during the day, by analyzing the electrical energy consumi…

Consumers' environmental Behavior: Generalized, Sector-Based, or Compensatory?

Bratt, C. (1999). Consumers' environmental beahvior: Generalized, sector-based, or compensatory?. Environment and Behavior, 31(1), 28-44.
Investigated the possibility that actions meant to improve recycling may have unintended consequences in fields other than the target behavior. The relations between self-reported…

The Structure of Environmental Concern: Concern for Self, Other People, and the Biosphere

Schultz, P. (2001). The structure of environmental concern: Concern for self, other people, and the biosphere. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 21(4), 327-339.
Reports on 4 studies addressing the structure of environmental attitudes. Based on P. C. Stern and T. Dietz' (1994) value basis theory for environmental attitudes, it was predicte…

On the Risks of Recycling Because of Guilt: An Examination of the Consequences of Introjection

Koestner, R., Houlfort, N., Paquet, S., & Knight, C. (2001). On the risks of recycling because of guilt: An examination of the consequences of introjection. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 31(12), 2545-2560.
Examined the influence of introjected beliefs on proenvironmental behavior. 116 undergraduate students (aged 17-37 yrs) completed interviews concerning their recycling behavior an…

When Saying Yes Leads to Saying No: Preference for Consistency and the Reverse Foot-In-The-Door Effect

Guadagno, R., Asher, T., Demaine, L., & Cialdini, R. (2001). When saying yes leads to saying no: Preference for consistency and the reverse foot-in-the-door effect. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 27(7), 859-867.
A requester using the foot-in-the-door (FITD) tactic begins by gaining compliance with a small request and then advances to a related, larger request. Previous work has demonstrat…

Responsibility and Environment: Ecological Norm Orientation and External Factors in the Domain of Travel Mode Choice Behavior

Hunecke, M., Blöbaum, A., Matthies, E., & Höger, R. (2001). Responsibility and environment: Ecological norm orientation and external factors in the domain of travel mode choice behavior. Environment and Behavior, 33(6), 830-852.
In the domain of travel mode choice behavior, the interaction between ecological norm orientation and the external aspects "fare" and "subway station range" was investigated in an…

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