I am in the process of developing an energy and resource awareness program for a hospital and came across the concept of social marketing and really like the idea inste…
All of the documents related to the City of Oakland's March 2006 Zero Waste Resolution & accompanying staff report are now available in a variety of formats at the Grassroots Recy…
I found the story appended below at http://www.letsrecycle.com/news/archive/news.jsp?story=5921 about this UK waste study: http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/waste/localauth/enco…
I am looking for a methodology to use in conducting public meetings around environmental programming decisions to be implemented by local governments. In most of our public hearin…
I am looking for research that has identified the perceived barriers and benefits to householders retrofitting their sprinkler system so that it includes a rain sensor that monito…
I am looking for research that has identified the perceived barriers and benefits to householders properly maintaining their septic system. I am also looking for information on p…
I am looking for research that has identified the perceived barriers and benefits to householders disconnecting their downspouts (if they are being routed into the sewer system) a…
I am looking for research that has identified the perceived barriers and benefits to householders properly disposing of household hazardous waste. I am also looking for informati…
I am looking for research that has identified the perceived barriers and benefits to do-it-yourselfers (DIYs) properly disposing of used motor oil. I am also looking for informat…
I am passing this review from the Internet Scout Project along for your information. Urban Environment: Challenges to Sustainability http://topics.developmentgateway.org/special…