Sponsored by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), WaterSense was a partnership program created to help Americans use less water via water-efficient products, homes, and s…
Several decades ago, the city of Cape Town, South Africa predicted severe water shortages as a result of rapid urbanization and high per capita water consumption. In 2018, as the …
Launched by the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH), Healthy Penis was a social marketing campaign designed to increase syphilis testing and awareness among gay and …
Created as part of a larger HIV prevention project, the campaign described here was developed to reduce new HIV infections among the most-at-risk-populations in Vietnam – sex work…
Created through a joint initiative between Marie Stopes Australia, the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organization (VACCHO), and the Mildura Aboriginal Health Se…
Targeting gay men in the inner Melbourne region, the Drama Downunder campaign was designed to (1) increase access to diagnosis, treatment, and care of sexually transmitted infecti…
Run across a six-state region (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming), the Don’t Kid Yourself campaign was created to help reduce incidences of unintend…
Developed by North East Lincolnshire Care Trust Plus and NHS North Lincolnshire, the Chlamydia Outreach Advice Screening and Treatment (COAST) program offered free Chlamydia scree…
Developed by the California branch of Donate Life America, the following communication campaign was launched in April of 2005 to get California residents to share their organ dona…
Ahead of the 2007 flu season, the Florida Department of Health decided to take on a new approach to pandemic preparedness – instead of implementing an information intensive campai…